NEW YEAR SHEmerge Family!
Beulah C. Davis, Founder and CEO
We are approaching the end of the first quarter of 2023! I realize that many of you are not a part of our SHEmerge community on FaceBook and I have not said Happy New Year through this communication. I encourage you to join our FaceBook Group. Search for SHEmerge and you will see our logo with the butterfly. Click on that photo and join us! I actually went live to say Happy New Year and share where I have been. I turned 59 this past November and was excited to step into 2023 preparing for my 60th birthday. Who would have known there was another plan? Two things happened. The first thing was God showing me that even though I said I forgave someone that I really hadn’t. With my lips I had forgiven them, but my heart still held anger. Yes!! Can you imagine how I felt when God revealed this to me? I had to sit with myself and deal with all the emotions over what I forgave this person for with my lips but not with my heart. You know how that went. How dare they? How could they? Why did they?... Once I dealt with my emotions, I released the actions that hurt me and truly forgave the person. I then had to repent for holding anger in my heart. I want to encourage anyone who is dealing with anger to not just forgive but deal with the emotions of what you feel in order to truly forgive. The Bible is clear on forgiveness. One verse is found in Psalms 66:18 which says, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear me.” Meaning my prayers have been held up due to unconfessed sin. My anger. After pressing through the process of true forgiveness, I found myself in bed sick the day after Christmas. Next my entire household became sick. We were down for three to four weeks and found out COVID was sweeping through our home. Needless to say that caused setbacks to things we were working on. We all are better now and finishing out the first quarter well. I believe this is why the store has come to pass. For members who have been asking for SHEmerge merchandise, IT IS HERE! I am excited to announce our Marketplace has opened during Women’s History Month! Let this encourage you to emerge out of idleness and into your purpose. Sit with yourself and seek God in what you are called and assigned to manifest in this season; outside of your nine-to-five. Yes, there is more for you than your nine-to-five. Is it to open a store and sell your products? Is it to have an after-school program? Is it to impact women’s lives in shelters, senior citizen homes, or homeless people? There are so many things we can do to minister in and enhance the Kingdom of God. Get ready to come out of the box and bring another person through to their next place of maturity in PURPOSE. I have noticed some of our members continued with completing their vision boards last month. If you have not completed a vision board and would like to participate in a virtual Vision Board Party to get your vision on paper, please send an email to me at SHEmerge21@gmail.com. It is never too late to write out your vision. I look forward to hearing from you! Some of you have put down dreams because nothing seems to be falling into place. The Word says, though it tarry, wait for it. (Habbakuk 2:3). In your waiting, make sure you have clarity for every move made. Discouragement will come! Don’t get stuck there. Assess it and get back up. That is what I am actually doing now. God is not a man that lies! When things are not going well, go back to Him and get clarity. I look forward to us coming together to write out our visions and making them plain! In closing, I want to wish everyone who celebrated birthdays in this quarter, a year of what now might look like possibilities; becoming manifestations, as you put in the work to bring life to your dreams! Happy, Happy Birthday! AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: Frank Damazio is an author I love. He deals with the character of mankind in leadership. I am currently reading his Life Impact series. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
February 11, 2023 – I was graced to speak at A Couples - Painting with Love. You can view this event on Immanuel Worship Center Facebook page.
February 18, 2023 – My husband and I were graced to be apart of a series hosted by Dr. Lysondra J. Hardy called "Do You Really Want To Get Married?" You can view this event on her Facebook page.
For 1:1 Coaching/Counseling session with Beulah: Visit the SHEmerge website to request a Free Consultation via Zoom. (Go to the Bookings tab > 1:1 Coaching and complete the Booking Request form for your initial free consultation or continued sessions. Please Note: Scheduled sessions are 45-minutes post-consultation; pre-payment of continued sessions required.)
Connect with Beulah on social media: Facebook / Instagram: @bdaviswrites; LinkedIn / Goodreads / Amazon: Author Beulah C. Davis.
SHEmerge has a YouTube Channel! Click the link to subscribe: SHEmerge YouTube Channel
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SHEmerge LLC
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Email: admin@shemerge.org